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The 5 episode pilot series will be released during April of 2017.

What is a pilot series?

A pilot series (or season) is basically the first season. These will be made by H3X, and will be up to 5 episodes long. Usually 6 or 7 will be made.


This season will have 5 episodes, released weekly, just like any other season, but the series will be 'shelved' until (if it ever does) it gets popular.

If it gets popular, a second season will be produced, also with 5 episodes, and so on. The process repeats until the series reaches it's 'limit', it ends as the creators choice (ala Gravity Falls), or it's popularity dies.


If series' do not get popular, they will be shelved for good. The shelved series' will remain on the internet, but will not be updated.

As of now, H3X is only working on the Infinite series, but more pilot series' will be made in the future.


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